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SID); } ////////////////////////////////FINE ///categoria cid ///////// $_SESSION["visita"][$uid] =$cid; // sta visitando ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!isset($_REQUEST["type"])) { $type=1; } else { $type=$_REQUEST["type"]; } $strpass=""; if ( isset($_REQUEST["keyword"] ) ) { $strpass=$strpass . "&keyword=" . $_REQUEST["keyword"]; } if ( isset($_REQUEST["radio"] ) ) { $strpass=$strpass . "&radio=" . $_REQUEST["radio"]; } $strpass=$strpass . "&cid=" . $cid; $strpass=$strpass . "&uid=" . $uid; $strpass=$strpass . "&type=" . $type; $strpass1=$strpass; $rs_query=mysql_query("Select * from astevirtuali_categorie where id=" . $cid ); if ($rs=mysql_fetch_array($rs_query)) { $catname=$rs["cat_name"]; $category=$rs["id"]; $cid=$rs["id"]; $descrizione=$rs["cat_desc"]; $collegamento=$rs["collegamento"]; $foto1=$rs["cat_foto1"]; $foto2=$rs["cat_foto2"]; } else { $catname=""; $category=0; $cid=0; } $catpath=""; $rs_query=mysql_query("Select * from astevirtuali_categorie where id=" . $category ); while ($rs=mysql_fetch_array($rs_query)) { if($lingua<=1) { $traC=$rs["cat_name"];} if(($lingua==2) && ($rs["c2"]<>"")) { $traC=$rs["c2"];} else { $traC=$rs["cat_name"];} if(($lingua==3) && ($rs["c3"]<>"")) { $traC=$rs["c3"];} else { $traC=$rs["cat_name"];} if(($lingua==4) && ($rs["c4"]<>"")) { $traC=$rs["c4"];} else { $traC=$rs["cat_name"];} if(($lingua==5) && ($rs["c5"]<>"")) { $traC=$rs["c5"];} else { $traC=$rs["cat_name"];} if(($lingua==6) && ($rs["c6"]<>"")) { $traC=$rs["c6"];} else { $traC=$rs["cat_name"];} $catpath ="" .$traC."" . $catpath; $rs_query=mysql_query("Select * from astevirtuali_categorie where id=" . $rs["pid"] ); } if ($_REQUEST["brend"] > 0 ) { $_REQUEST["radio"]=1; $recperpage=290 ; //$config["recperpage"]; } else { $recperpage=36 ; //$config["recperpage"]; } // ---- inizio SQL proncipale ............. $sql="select "; if ($_REQUEST["radio"]>=1) {$sql.=" id, product_name, product_subt, soddisfatti, cid, tempi, peso, codice, location, raffina2, raffina3, raffina0, raffina4, raffina, codice, pezzi, pezzi_sconto, sconto_mom, min_sconto, min_bid, max_price,";} else {$sql.=" *,";} $sql.=" DATE_FORMAT(date_submitted,'%d-%b-%Y %r') as postedon,DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(date_submitted,INTERVAL auction_period DAY),'%d-%b-%Y %r') as endson,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(date_submitted,INTERVAL auction_period DAY)) as expiry from astevirtuali_prodotti where aucid in (1,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,14,20,21,25,27,28,30,31,36,37,38,45,175)"; if (($type==1) || ($type==9)) { $date1=date(time()); //$sql.=" and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(date_submitted,INTERVAL auction_period DAY)) > $date1 and status='open' and uid=" . $uid; //$date1=date(time()); //$sql.=" and status='open' and uid=" . $uid; } ////// leggi pure ditta dalu(12) SEMPRE e se in RICERCA TUTTE ///////////////////////////////////////// $sql.=" and status='open' "; //,'conclusa vend','Venduto' if (($_REQUEST["radio"]>=1) || ($cid>10)) { $sql.=" and uid in (175,31,28,27,11,12,14,37,45,72,30,36,38,39,3,4,5,7,8,21,10)";} // 7 e 9 è ditta per orologi da fare a parte ! else { $sql.=" and uid in (175,31,28,27,11,12,14,37,45,72,30,36,38,39,3,4,5,7,8,21,10) and gallery_featured='yes'";} // gallery_featured = in evidenza ! /////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( isset($_REQUEST["keyword"] ) && $_REQUEST["keyword"]!="" && isset($_REQUEST["radio"] ) && $_REQUEST["radio"]==1) { $sql=$sql." and ( product_name like '%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or product_subt like'%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or codice like'%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or raffina like'%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or raffinaa like'%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or raffinab like'%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or raffina0 like'%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or raffina3 like'%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or id like'%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' )"; } if ( isset($_REQUEST["keyword"] ) && $_REQUEST["keyword"]!="" && isset($_REQUEST["radio"] ) && $_REQUEST["radio"]==2) { $sql=$sql." and ( product_name like '%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%')"; } if ($_REQUEST["brend"]>0) { $sql=$sql." and bold=". $_REQUEST["brend"] . " "; } if ( isset($_REQUEST["keyword"] ) && $_REQUEST["keyword"]!="" && isset($_REQUEST["radio"] ) && $_REQUEST["radio"]==3) { $sql=$sql." and ( product_name like '%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or product_desc like '%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"]). "%')"; } if ( isset($_REQUEST["keyword"] ) && $_REQUEST["keyword"]!="" && isset($_REQUEST["radio"] ) && $_REQUEST["radio"]==4) { $sql=$sql." and ( raffina3='".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."') "; } if ( isset($_REQUEST["keyword"] ) && $_REQUEST["keyword"]!="" && isset($_REQUEST["radio"] ) && $_REQUEST["radio"]==3) { $sql0=mysql_query("select id from astevirtuali_utenti where (username like '%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or fname like '%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or lname like '%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%' or c_name like'%".str_replace("'","''",$_REQUEST["keyword"])."%')"); $u_list="-1"; while($rs_t1=mysql_fetch_array($sql0)) { $u_list.=",".$rs_t1["id"]; } $sql=$sql." and uid in (".$u_list.")"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// $rst1_query=mysql_query("Select * from astevirtuali_categorie where pid=" . $cid ); $clist=$cid; while ( $rst1=mysql_fetch_array($rst1_query) ) { $clist.="," . $rst1["id"]; $rst1_query=mysql_query("Select * from astevirtuali_categorie where pid IN (" . $clist . ") and id not in ( ". $clist . ")") ; } $sql.=" and cid in (" . $clist . ") " ; //////////////////////////////////////////// //$sql.= " order by endson desc" ; if($type==9) { $sql.= " order by featured desc" ; // , date_submitted desc } else { $sql.= " order by pezzi desc, featured desc" ; // , date_submitted desc } //$sql.= " order by featured desc, aucid, date_submitted desc" ; $rs_query=mysql_query($sql); ///////////////////////////////////PAGINATION ///////// if($pg>=1) {$scelta=1;} elseif($_REQUEST['pg']>=1) { $pg=$_REQUEST["pg"]; $scelta=3; $_SESSION["u_pagina"]=$pg ; //header('location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . SID); $pag=$_SESSION['u_pagina']; } elseif($_SESSION['u_pagina']>=1) { $pg=$_SESSION['u_pagina']; $pag=$_SESSION['u_pagina']; $scelta=2; } else { $pg=1; $scelta=4; $_SESSION["u_pagina"]=1 ; //header('location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . SID); $pag=$_SESSION['u_pagina']; } ////////////////////////////////FINE ///PAGINATION ///////// $rcount=mysql_num_rows($rs_query); if ($rcount==0 ) { $pages=0; } else { $pages=floor($rcount / $recperpage); if (($rcount%$recperpage) > 0 ) { $pages=$pages+1; } } $jmpcnt=1; while ( $jmpcnt<=($pg-1)*$recperpage && $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs_query) ) { $jmpcnt = $jmpcnt + 1; } $label=1; $featured_label=1; ?>
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1) && (strstr($rs0["done"],$lingua))) if (($lingua>1)) { if($lingua==2) { echo $rs_n["titolo_en"]."
".substr($rs_n["sottotitolo_en"],0,40);} if($lingua==3) { echo $rs_n["titolo_fr"]."
".substr($rs_n["sottotitolo_fr"],0,40);} if($lingua==4) { echo $rs_n["titolo_de"]."
".substr($rs_n["sottotitolo_de"],0,40);} if($lingua==5) { echo $rs_n["titolo_es"]."
".substr($rs_n["sottotitolo_es"],0,40);} if($lingua==6) { echo $rs_n["titolo_nl"]."
".substr($rs_n["sottotitolo_nl"],0,40);} } else {echo "" .substr($titolo, 0,57)."
".substr($rs0["product_subt"],0,40)."";} ?>
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1) { ?>
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